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[惊天战神 Immortals][2011][2.11G]

[惊天战神 Immortals][2011][2.11G]

惊天战神 Immortals (2011)

编剧查理·帕拉伯尼得斯 / 维拉斯·帕拉伯尼得斯
主演亨利·卡维尔 / 米基·洛克 / 约翰·赫特 / 卢克·伊万斯 / 斯蒂芬·多尔夫 / 更多...
类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 奇幻
制片国家/地区: 美国 / 英国 / 加拿大
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2011-11-11(美国/中国大陆)
片长: 110分钟
又名: 众神 / 天魔战神(港) / 战神世纪3D(台) / 众神之战 / 战争的黎明 / 不死战神 / War of the Gods / Dawn of War
IMDb: tt1253864

[惊天战神 Immortals][2011][2.11G]

In the Battle of the Heavens, the gods of Mount Olympus defeated the evil Titan gods and imprisoned them underground. Legend has it that only the mighty Epirus Bow was able to free the Titans, but the artifact was lost on earth during the Battle of the Heavens. Years later, the power-hungry, ruthless and bloodthirsty King Hieronymus (Mickey Rourke) is pushing for tyranny, seeking to level Greece and destroy the miracles.The beautiful seer of the West Berlin Monastery, Padra (Freida Pinto), is able to see the future, and while in Hainboli's prison she senses that a divinely-guided young man, Theseus (Henry Cavill), is about to get his hands on the divine bow and join forces with King Hainboli. Theseus, however, has sworn to avenge the death of his mother in the attack on Hainboli.Theseus finds the bow as predicted, but unfortunately it falls into the hands of King Haemboli, who is at the city's doorstep. The Greek army is outnumbered, and the high walls of the city are too much for King Haemboli, who wields the bow. With the release of the Titan, Greece was in danger. Although Theseus was brave, he was often reviled by his fellow tribesmen, but at this time, King Hainboli extended an olive branch to Theseus...

[惊天战神 Immortals][2011][2.11G]

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